Help Center
Looking for help? Send us a message and we will get in touch as soon as possible!
How can I get better results?
The better the prompts (instructions) the better the results. Be As specific as possible and you will get great results.

What's a credit?
A credit is consumed every time you run Docsium. If you run Docsium on 100 cells it will consume 100 credits. If you run it 6 times in a Google Doc, it will consume 6 credits.
Do I need multiple addons?
No Docsium works by default on both Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides.
Do you get access to my drive?
No, we do not have access to your drive. We only have access to the document you are currently using Docsium on. We only read the prompt and never save the prompt, the generated content or any other data from your document.
What if the extension menu shows only a 'help' button?
Simply reload the spreadsheet and everything else will show up.
What can Docsium do?
The sky is the limit. It can clean data, find new data, write paragraphs, categorize things, and so much more. Give it a try.
Do you store my data?
No we don't. Everything is streamed and doesn't even touch our database. Not even temporarily.
How can I get the response into different rows?
Use =SPLIT() and =TRANSPOSE(SPLIT()). If you have for example a list in A2, with values separated by a comma (,) in B2 you can type =TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(A2, ","))

How I can reference to other cells using Google Sheets?
Use formulas, in particular CONCATENATE is very useful. If you have for example a city name in A2, in B2 you can type =CONCATENATE("In which country is ", A2, "?"). Then you can simply pull the formula down for all the other cells.

How easy it is to cancel my subscription?
You can do it yourself from the account page in a couple of clicks. No need to email us or get in touch. You can cancel whenever you want.
Can I pay with PayPal or invoice?
Ideally no, but if you must send us an email and we can sort it out.
What's your refund policy?
30 days from the last payment. 100% refund no questions asked. Just send us an email if you are not satisfied.
What if I have more questions?
Please send email to